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5+ Best Android Apps For Blind & Visually Impaired User – [2025 Edition]

Android is a popular Operating System based on Linux. That’s why it is closer to Hardware or Has reasonable control over Hardware. Also, it is cheaper and provides apps in many different categories.

Android provides apps for visually impaired or blind people. Blind users can not read books text on Smartphones. But With the Help of Android apps, they can listen to the text in Audible mode and interact with the device using their customize feedback.

Android apps enable blind people to read ebooks, articles, and phone screens without any other person’s need. These apps make blind people self-dependent. In this list of best applications, we will explain the best Android Apps for Blind people with a brief description of each.

  1. Google Talkback.
  2. Google Text To Speech.
  3. Scan Life Barcode & QR Reader.
  4. Zelo PTT Walkie Talkie.
  5. Classic Text-To-Speech Engine.
  6. Magnifier Plus Flashlight.

Best Android Apps for Blinds.

Google Talkback.

Google Talkback LogoGoogle Talkback is one of the best Android apps for visually impaired or blind people. It is an official Google app specially designed for the blinds and visually impaired.

It is an accessibility service that enables visually impaired people to interact with other devices.

Also, we can add audible vibrations and spoken to our device. We have to enable accessibility for this app in our equipment.

Approximately 200 million users download this app.

Google Talkback: Download.

Google Text To Speech.

Google Text To Speech ThumbnailGoogle Text To Speech is a powerful Android app that enables other Android apps to speech the text loudly written on the screen.

It can be used by Google Play Books, Google Translate, or any other Android apps. It gives the power to blind people to operate a smartphone without the help of anyone else.

It supports 27 different languages, including English, Hindi, French, Thai, Italian, and many others.

Approximately 200 million users download this App.

Google text To Speech: Download.

Scan Life Barcode & QR Reader.

ScanLife Barcode & QR Reader Logo

It is another useful app that can easily read barcodes and QR codes for blind people.

We only need to click the picture of the barcode. The app does the rest of the task automatically by scanning and reading the barcode.

Other users can also use this app who do not want to buy extra gadgets for Barcode reading.

Approximately 50 million users download this game, and it has a rating of 4.0 Google play store.

Scan Life Barcode & QR Reader: Download.

Zelo PTT Walkie Talkie.

Zelo PTT Walkie Talkie Logo

It is another fantastic Android app that falls in the list of best android app for blinds. This application helps blind users to navigate through streets easily.

It has an inbuilt compass that always points to the correct direction. If the user goes on the wrong path, this app automatically starts vibrating your mobile.

The user gets updated information on the area. Approximately 5 million users download this app.

Zelo PTT Walkie Talkie: Download.

Classic Text-to-Speech  Engine.

Classic Text To Speech Logo

Classic Text-To-Speech another excellent app that converts your Android smartphone to a reader for you. It can help blind people to read pdfs, ebooks, and other men.

Also, It can read caller name, SMS,  email, etc. It has 40 different voices and 25 additional languages.

It also provides the right way of learning the correct pronunciations of words. Approximately 5 million users download this app.

Classic Text-To-Speech Engine: Download.

Magnifier Plus Flashlight.

Magnifier Plus Flashlight ThumbnailIt is also an excellent Android app for visually impaired people. This app can easily convert our phone camera to a magnifying glass.

The visually impaired person can easily read a small text by using this app.  It is compatible across all the Android versions starting from 2.3.

Approximately 5 million users download this app and have a rating of 4.4 on the Google play store.

Magnifier Plus Flashlight: Download.

In conclusion, we hope you like this list of best android apps for blinds. Share these games with your friends, as well. Also, tell us any other best android applications for blinds in the comments below, so we will surely add those to the list as well.
